Traditional form
以來Part of speech
Location word / 方位词 fāng wèi cí Fāngwèi cíWrite it!
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Chinese word 以来 yǐlái .
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Example sentences using 以来 yǐlái
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 以来 yǐlái in different contexts.
她 tā 很 hěn 久 jiǔ 以来 yǐlái 就 jiù 想 xiǎng 当 dāng 经理 jīnglǐ 助理 zhùlǐ .
She has long been hoping to become the assistant manager.
1979年 Nián 以来 yǐlái ,全国 quán guó 共 gòng 征收 zhēngshōu 排污费247亿 yì 元 Yuán .
Since 1979 China has collected 7 billion yuan in pollutant discharge fees.
他 tā 自 zì 出 chū 院 yuàn 以来 yǐlái ,身体 shēntǐ 恢复 huīfù 得 dé 很 hěn 慢 màn .
He has picked up slowly since he came out of hospital.