丑 Chǒu
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丑 Chǒu Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 9 English Translations of the word 丑 Chǒu .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- Chǒu | Chou3
- English translation
- surname Chou
- clown
- 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd February), year of the Ox
- shameful
- ugly
- disgraceful
- ugly; shameful; comedian, clown
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Chinese word 丑 Chǒu .
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Example sentences using 丑 Chǒu
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 丑 Chǒu in different contexts.
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这个 zhè ge 男孩 nán hái 身体 shēntǐ 矮壮,生着一张丑陋 chǒu lòu 却 què 讨 tǎo 人 rén 喜欢 xǐhuan 的 de 泰姆纳人的扁阔 kuò 的 de 面孔 miàn kǒng .
The boy was shot and squat with the broad ugly pleasant face of a Temne.
在 zài 我 wǒ 作 zuò 梦 mèng 的 de 时候 shíhou 都 dōu 见 jiàn 不 bù 到 dào 这样 zhè yàng 丑恶 chǒuè 的 de 玩艺 wán yì .
Never in my dreams did I imagine any hole could be so disgusting.
其实 qíshí 有 yǒu 一些 yī xiē 紫罗兰 zǐ luó lán 也 Yě 觉得 juéde 小 xiǎo 矮 ǎi 人 rén 的 de 丑陋 chǒu lòu 大半 dà bàn 是 shì 他 tā 自己 zìjǐ 故意 gùyì 做 zuò 出来 chū lái 的 de .
Some of the Violets themselves felt that the ugliness of the little Dwarf was almost ostentatious.
Words with 丑 Chǒu
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 丑 Chǒu in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
丑 Chǒu | clown | 丑 Chǒu | |
小丑 xiǎo chǒu | clown | 小丑 xiǎo chǒu | |
丑闻 chǒu wén | scandal | 醜聞 | |
丑陋 chǒu lòu | ugly | 醜陋 | |
丑恶 chǒuè | ugly | 醜惡 | |
出丑 chū chǒu | shameful | 出醜 | |
丑八怪 chǒu bā guài | ugly person | 醜八怪 | |
丑事 chǒu shì | scandal | 醜事 | |
丑化 chǒu huà | to defame | 醜化 | |
家丑 jiā chǒu | family scandal | 家醜 | |
丑态 chǒu tài | shameful performance | 醜態 | |
辛丑 xīn chǒu | thirty-eighth year H2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1961 or 2021 | 辛丑 xīn chǒu | |
丑话 chǒu huà | ugly talk | 醜話 | |
丑角 chǒu jué | clown | 丑角 chǒu jué | |
己丑 jǐ chǒu | twenty-sixth year F2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2009 or 2069 | 己丑 jǐ chǒu | |
乙丑 yǐ chǒu | second year B2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1985 or 2045 | 乙丑 yǐ chǒu | |
丑剧 chǒu jù | farce | 醜劇 | |
丁丑 dīng chǒu | fourteenth year D2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1997 or 2057 | 丁丑 dīng chǒu | |
癸丑 guǐ chǒu | fiftieth year J2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1973 or 2033 | 癸丑 guǐ chǒu | |
丑行 chǒu xíng | scandal | 醜行 | |
丢丑 diū chǒu | to lose face | 丟丑 | |
丑怪 chǒu guài | grotesque | 醜怪 | |
家丑不可外扬 jiā chǒu bù kě wài yáng | lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom) | 家醜不可外揚 | |
丑相 chǒu xiàng | ugly expression | 醜相 | |
丑时 chǒu shí | 1-3 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times) | 丑時 |
丑 Chǒu Decomposition & Compounds
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