Traditional form
不耐煩Part of speech
Adjective / 形容词 xíng róng cí Xíngróng cíWrite it!
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Example sentences using 不耐烦 bùnàifán
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 不耐烦 bùnàifán in different contexts.
盖茨 Gài cí 比 Bǐ 的 de 脚 jiǎo 不耐烦 bùnàifán 地连敲 qiāo 了 le 几 jī 声 shēng , 引起 yǐnqǐ 汤姆 Tāng mǔ 突然 tūrán 瞧 qiáo 了 le 他 tā 一 yī 眼 yǎn .
Gatsby's foot beat a short , restless tattoo and Tom eyed him suddenly.
她 tā 怒 nù 道 dào , 红了脸 liǎn , 对于 duìyú 他 tā 的 de 东 Dōng 扯 chě 西扯很 hěn 不耐烦 bùnàifán .
She snapped, blushing, and impatient with his beating around the bush.
老 lǎo 通宝却 què 不耐烦 bùnàifán 了 le ,怒 nù 声 shēng 喝道 hè dào : “ 说 shuì 什么 shénme 梦话 mèng huà ! 刚 gāng 吃 chī 了 le 两 liǎng 天 tiān 老蚕 呢 ne .
" One more day? You're dreaming!'snapped the old man impatiently.
不耐烦 bùnàifán Compounds
See all 54 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 不耐烦 bùnàifán in their composition.