肥 féi
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肥 féi Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 9 English Translations of the word 肥 féi .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- féi | fei2
- English translation
- fat
- fertile
- loose-fitting or large
- to fertilize
- to become rich by illegal means
- fertilizer
- manure
- fat, plump, obese; fertile
Learn the Chinese word 肥 féi in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 肥 féi .
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Spread the word
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Example sentences using 肥 féi
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 肥 féi in different contexts.
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春 chūn 已 yǐ 有 yǒu 了 le 消息 xiāoxi , 树枝 shù zhī 上 shǎng 的 de 鳞 lín 苞 bāo 已 yǐ 显 xiǎn 着 zhāo 红 Hóng 肥 féi .
Spring was in the air , the buds on the trees swelled pink.
Words with 肥 féi
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 肥 féi in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
肥 féi | fat | 肥 féi | |
减肥 jiǎnféi | to lose weight | 減肥 | |
肥皂 féizào | soap | 肥皂 féizào | |
肥胖 féi pàng | fat | 肥胖 féi pàng | |
肥料 féi liào | fertilizer | 肥料 féi liào | |
合肥 Hé féi | Hefei, capital of Anhui Province 安徽省 Ān huī Shěng [AnhuīShěng] in south central China | 合肥 Hé féi | |
化肥 huàféi | fertilizer | 化肥 huàféi | |
肥肉 féi ròu | fatty meat | 肥肉 féi ròu | |
肥大 féi dà | fat | 肥大 féi dà | |
施肥 shī féi | to spread manure | 施肥 shī féi | |
合肥市 Hé féi shì | Hefei, capital of Anhui Province 安徽省 Ān huī Shěng [AnhuīShěng] in south central China | 合肥市 Hé féi shì | |
肥厚 féi hòu | plump | 肥厚 féi hòu | |
积肥 jī féi | to accumulate manure | 積肥 | |
肥沃 féiwò | fertile | 肥沃 féiwò | |
追肥 zhuī féi | top soil dressing | 追肥 zhuī féi | |
堆肥 duī féi | compost | 堆肥 duī féi | |
绿肥 lǜ féi | green manure | 綠肥 | |
肥力 féi lì | fertility (of soil) | 肥力 féi lì | |
肥胖症 féi pàng zhèng | obesity | 肥胖症 féi pàng zhèng | |
磷肥 lín féi | phosphate fertilizer | 磷肥 lín féi | |
肥皂泡 féi zào pào | soap bubble | 肥皂泡 féi zào pào | |
粪肥 fèn féi | manure | 糞肥 | |
肥美 féi měi | fertile | 肥美 féi měi | |
肥硕 féi shuò | plump | 肥碩 |
肥 féi Decomposition & Compounds
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