毛 Máo
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毛 Máo Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 21 English Translations of the word 毛 Máo .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- Máo | Mao2
- English translation
- surname Mao
- hair
- feather
- down
- wool
- mildew
- mold
- coarse or semifinished
- young
- raw
- careless
- unthinking
- nervous
- scared
- (of currency) to devalue or depreciate
- classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角 Jué [jiǎo] , = 1
- 10 yuan or 10 fen 分 fēn [fēn])
- hair, fur, feathers; coarse
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Chinese word 毛 Máo .
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Example sentences using 毛 Máo
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 毛 Máo in different contexts.
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你 nǐ 穿着 chuān zhuó 那 Nā 件 jiàn 厚 hòu 毛衣 máo yī 一定 yīdìng 很 hěn 热 rè 吧 bā .
You must be boiling in that thick sweater.
外面 wài miàn 下 xià 着 zhāo 毛毛细雨, 天气 tiānqì 又 yòu 冷 Lěng 又 yòu 湿 shī ,令人 lìng rén 难受 nánshòu .
It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp.
Words with 毛 Máo
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 毛 Máo in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
毛 Máo | hair | 毛 Máo | |
毛主席 Máo Zhǔ xí | Chairman Mao | 毛主席 Máo Zhǔ xí | |
毛病 máobìng | fault | 毛病 máobìng | |
毛衣 máo yī | (wool) sweater | 毛衣 máo yī | |
毛巾 máojīn | towel | 毛巾 máojīn | |
毛泽东 Máo Zé dōng | Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader | 毛澤東 | |
毛泽东思想 Máo Zé dōng Sī xiǎng | Maoism | 毛澤東思想 | |
眉毛 méimao | eyebrow | 眉毛 méimao | |
羽毛 yǔ máo | feather | 羽毛 yǔ máo | |
睫毛 jié máo | eyelashes | 睫毛 jié máo | |
毛发 máo fà | hair | 毛髮 | |
羊毛 yáng máo | fleece | 羊毛 yáng máo | |
羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú | shuttlecock | 羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú | |
毛毛 Máo mao | (pet name for a baby or small child) | 毛毛 Máo mao | |
毛孔 máo kǒng | pore | 毛孔 máo kǒng | |
毛线 máo xiàn | knitting wool | 毛線 | |
毛茸茸 máo rōng rōng | hairy | 毛茸茸 máo rōng rōng | |
皮毛 pí máo | fur | 皮毛 pí máo | |
毛毯 máo tǎn | blanket | 毛毯 máo tǎn | |
毛皮 máo pí | fur | 毛皮 máo pí | |
绒毛 róng máo | fur | 絨毛 | |
毛毛虫 máo mao chóng | caterpillar | 毛毛蟲 | |
毛利 máo lì | gross profit | 毛利 máo lì | |
脱毛 tuō máo | to molt | 脫毛 |
毛 Máo Decomposition & Compounds
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毛 Máo Compounds
See all 87 Chinese words that contain the character 毛 Máo in their composition.
- 毛 Máo
- 笔 bǐ
- 滗 bì
- 尾 wěi
- 毳 cuì
- 毟
- 毮
- 看 kān , 毫 háo , 毯 tǎn , 耗 hào , 髦 máo , 毡 zhān , 麾 huī , 牦 máo , 蚝 háo , 毽 jiàn , 兞 háo kè , 旄 máo , 毧 róng , 毬 qiú , 毴 bī , 毵 sān , 毷 mào , 毹 shū , 毾 tà , 氄 rǒng , 氅 chǎng , 氆 pǔ , 氇 lu , 氉 sào , 氍 qú , 瓱 háo wǎ , 眊 mào , 秏 hào , 耄 mào , 芼 mào , 酕 máo , 宒, 枆, 毜, 毝, 毞, 毠, 毢, 毣, 毤, 毥, 毦, 毨, 毩, 毪 mú , 毭, 毰, 毱, 毲, 毶
- 毸, 毺, 毻, 毼, 毿, 氀, 氁, 氂 máo , 氃, 氈 zhān , 氊, 氋, 氌, 氎, 竓, 粍, 覒, 軞, 閐, 雮, 靟, 魹