受 shòu
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受 shòu Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 9 English Translations of the word 受 shòu .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- shòu | shou4
- English translation
- to receive
- to accept
- to suffer
- subjected to
- to bear
- to stand
- pleasant
- (passive marker)
- to receive, to get, to accept; to bear
Learn the Chinese word 受 shòu in 8 easy steps:
ideographicPositional decomposition
Depicts something being passed from one hand to another hand. Originally the middle component was the phonetic 舟 zhōu (boat), but it was later abbreviated.Write it!
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Chinese word 受 shòu .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 受 shòu
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 受 shòu in different contexts.
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他 tā 因 yīn 受 shòu 击 jī 而 ér 疼 téng 得 dé 弯 wān 下 xià 了 le 身 shēn .
He doubled up with the pain of the bolw.
外面 wài miàn 下 xià 着 zhāo 毛毛细雨, 天气 tiānqì 又 yòu 冷 Lěng 又 yòu 湿 shī ,令人 lìng rén 难受 nánshòu .
It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp.
Words with 受 shòu
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 受 shòu in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
受 shòu | to receive | 受 shòu | |
接受 jiēshòu | to accept | 接受 jiēshòu | |
受到 shòudào | to receive (praise, an education, punishment etc) | 受到 shòudào | |
享受 xiǎngshòu | to enjoy | 享受 xiǎngshòu | |
感受 gǎnshòu | to sense | 感受 gǎnshòu | |
受伤 shòushāng | harmed | 受傷 | |
受害者 shòu hài zhě | casualty | 受害者 shòu hài zhě | |
承受 chéngshòu | to bear | 承受 chéngshòu | |
受不了 shòubùliǎo | unbearable | 受不了 shòubùliǎo | |
忍受 rěnshòu | to bear | 忍受 rěnshòu | |
受害人 shòu hài rén | victim | 受害人 shòu hài rén | |
难受 nánshòu | to feel unwell | 難受 | |
遭受 zāoshòu | to suffer | 遭受 zāoshòu | |
好受 hǎo shòu | feeling better | 好受 hǎo shòu | |
受理 shòu lǐ | to accept to hear a case | 受理 shòu lǐ | |
受益 shòu yì | profit | 受益 shòu yì | |
备受 bèi shòu | to fully experience (good or bad) | 備受 | |
深受 shēn shòu | to receive in no small measure | 深受 shēn shòu | |
经受 jīng shòu | to endure | 經受 | |
受体 shòu tǐ | receptor (biochemistry) | 受體 | |
受贿 shòu huì | to accept a bribe | 受賄 | |
受灾 shòu zāi | disaster-stricken | 受災 | |
受苦 shòu kǔ | to suffer hardship | 受苦 shòu kǔ | |
饱受 bǎo shòu | to endure | 飽受 | |
受害 shòu hài | damaged | 受害 shòu hài |
受 shòu Decomposition & Compounds
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