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勇敢 yǒnggǎn

勇敢 yǒnggǎn Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 2 English Translations of the word 勇敢 yǒnggǎn .

Pīnyīn Pronunciation
yǒnggǎn | yong3 gan3
English translation

Learn the Chinese word 勇敢 yǒnggǎn in 7 easy steps:

About 勇敢 yǒnggǎn

Read some general information about the Chinese word 勇敢 yǒnggǎn .

Traditional form

勇敢 yǒnggǎn

Part of speech

Adjective / 形容词 xíng róng cí Xíngróng cí
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Etymology of 勇敢 yǒnggǎn

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word 勇敢 yǒnggǎn .





Phonosemantic compound. represents the meaning and yǒng represents the sound.

Phonetic compound


Semantic compound

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes





Phonosemantic compound. zhēng represents the meaning and Gān represents the sound.

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes


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Chinese word 勇敢 yǒnggǎn .
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Example sentences using 勇敢 yǒnggǎn

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 勇敢 yǒnggǎn in different contexts.

kuā ér 特夸自己 zìjǐ hěn 勇敢 yǒnggǎn , dàn 遇到 yùdào 危险 wēixiǎn , jiù 显得 xiǎnde 胆怯 dǎnqiè .

He boasted a lot about his courage, but when danger came he showed the white feather.

jiē zhāo 过来 guò lái , 勇敢 yǒnggǎn de Yóu zhāo , 但是 dànshì 我们 wǒmen 担心 dānxīn 水流 shuǐ liú de 力量 lìliang 使 shǐ shǎng le àn 便 biàn 精疲力尽 jīng pí lì jìn le .

Next came a horse, swimming bravely, but we were afraid that the strength of the current would prevent its landing anywhere before it

他们 tā men 虽然 suīrán hěn 勇敢 yǒnggǎn de 努力 nǔlì 抢救 qiǎngjiù , què méi Néng jiù huí 小孩 xiǎo hái de 生命 shēngmìng .

Despite their valiant efforts, they were unable to save the child's life.

勇敢 yǒnggǎn de jiàn 自卫 zì wèi .

She defended herself bravely with her sword.

勇敢 yǒnggǎn de chōng jìn 烈火 liè huǒ 熊熊 xióng xióng de 屋子 wūzi jiù 那个 nà ge 婴孩 yīng hái .

He bravely went into the burning house to rescue the baby.

勇敢 yǒnggǎn Decomposition

See the 7 Chinese characters that make up 勇敢 yǒnggǎn and their own compounds.

勇敢 yǒnggǎn Compounds

See all 19 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 勇敢 yǒnggǎn in their composition.

  • yǒng
    • gǎn
      • yán
        • , yǎn , , , yán , , , , , , , yán
      • hǎn
      • gǎn , hān , gǎn , hǎn , ,
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