云 yún
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云 yún Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 8 English Translations of the word 云 yún .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- yún | yun2
- English translation
- (classical) to say
- cloud
- CL:朵 duǒ [duǒ]
- surname Yun
- abbr. for Yunnan Province 雲南省
- >云南省 Yún nán Shěng [Yún nán Shěng]
- cloud; to say, to speak
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Example sentences using 云 yún
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 云 yún in different contexts.
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在 zài 下 xià 雨 yǔ 之前 zhī qián ,黑 Hēi 云 yún 使 shǐ 天空 tiānkōng 变得 biàn de 黑暗 hēi àn 了 le .
Thick clouds darkened the sky before the rain fell.
天上 tiān shàng 有 yǒu 这么 zhè me 多 duō 的 de 灰 huī 云 yún ,我 wǒ 看 kān 今天 jīntiān 要 yāo 下 xià 雨 yǔ .
There are so many grey clouds I think it will rain today.
在 zài 那 Nā 多 duō 云 yún 的 de 天上 tiān shàng ,只 zhǐ 能 Néng 看到孤零零 gū líng líng 的 de 一颗星星 xīng xing .
In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.
Words with 云 yún
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 云 yún in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
云 yún | cloud | 雲 yún | |
风云 fēng yún | weather | 風雲 | |
云南 Yún nán | Yunnan province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇 diān [diān] or 雲 yún |云 yún , capital Kunming 昆明 Kūn míng | 雲南 | |
多云 duō yún | cloudy (meteorology) | 多雲 | |
云霄 Yún xiāo | Yunxiao county in Zhangzhou 漳州 Zhāng zhōu [Zhāngzhōu], Fujian | 雲霄 | |
乌云 wū yún | black cloud | 烏雲 | |
白云 Bái yún | Baiyun district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市 Guì yáng shì [Guìyángshì], Guizhou | 白雲 | |
浮云 fú yún | fleeting | 浮雲 | |
云层 yún céng | the clouds | 雲層 | |
烟消云散 yān xiāo yún sàn | to disappear | 煙消雲散 | |
云集 yún jí | to converge | 雲集 | |
云彩 yún cai | (coll.) cloud | 雲彩 | |
云南省 Yún nán Shěng | Yunnan Province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇 diān [Diān] or 雲 yún |云 yún [Yún], capital Kunming 昆明 Kūn míng [Kūnmíng] | 雲南省 | |
星云 xīng yún | nebula | 星雲 | |
云梯 yún tī | escalade | 雲梯 | |
不知所云 bù zhī suǒ yún | to be unintelligible | 不知所云 bù zhī suǒ yún | |
云雀 yún què | (bird species of China) Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis) | 雲雀 | |
云端 yún duān | fig. high in the clouds | 雲端 | |
翻云覆雨 fān yún fù yǔ | to make love | 翻雲覆雨 | |
过眼云烟 guò yǎn yún yān | ephemeral (idiom) | 過眼雲煙 | |
疑云 yí yún | a haze of doubts and suspicions | 疑雲 | |
风云人物 fēng yún rén wù | influential figure | 風雲人物 | |
平步青云 píng bù qīng yún | to rapidly go up in the world | 平步青雲 | |
凌云 Líng yún | Lingyun county in Baise 百色 Bǎi sè [Bǎisè], Guangxi | 凌雲 |
云 yún Decomposition & Compounds
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云 yún Compounds
See all 62 Chinese words that contain the character 云 yún in their composition.
- 云 yún
- 会 huì
- 绘 huì , 烩 huì , 刽 guì , 侩 kuài , 荟 huì , 脍 kuài , 桧 guì , 鲙 kuài , 狯 kuài , 哙 kuài , 浍 huì , 絵 huì , 郐 kuài
- 动 dòng
- 恸 tòng
- 尝 cháng
- 偿 cháng , 鲿 cháng
- 藝 yì
- 襼 yì , 囈 yì , 讛
- 侌
- 雲 yún
- 运 yùn , 魂 hún , 层 céng , 坛 tán , 酝 yùn , 芸 yún , 耘 yún , 昙 tán , 纭 yún , 伝 chuán , 叆 aì , 叇 dài , 枟 yùn , 沄 yún , 転 zhuǎn , 兿, 凨, 呍, 囩, 夽, 妘, 忶, 抎, 眃, 秐, 紜 yún , 耺