Learn the Chinese word 脚 jiǎo in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 脚 jiǎo .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice.
To complete this step you need to write the word once.
Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 脚 jiǎo
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 脚 jiǎo in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
我 wǒ 踮 diǎn 起脚才 cái 勉强 miǎnqiǎng 够 gòu 着 zhāo 电钮 diàn niǔ .
By standing on tip - toe, I managed to reach the button.
在 zài 我们 wǒmen 的 de 脚下 jiǎo xià , 大地 dà dì 裂开 liè kāi 了 le ,安东尼 Ān dōng ní 卡 kǎ 大陆 Dà lù 变成 biàn chéng 了安东尼卡群岛 qún dǎo .
Beneath our very feet, the ground split and Antonica was splintered apart.
小 xiǎo 狗 gǒu 崽 zǎi 冲着我 wǒ 的 de 脚腕子 jiǎo wàn zi 汪汪 wāng wāng 叫 jiào .
The little dogs were yapping at my ankles.
Words with 脚 jiǎo
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 脚 jiǎo in their composition.
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.
Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
脚 jiǎo | foot | 腳 jiǎo | |
脚步 jiǎo bù | footstep | 腳步 | |
手脚 shǒu jiǎo | hand and foot | 手腳 | |
脚趾 jiǎo zhǐ | toe | 腳趾 | |
脚踝 jiǎo huái | ankle | 腳踝 | |
脚印 jiǎo yìn | footprint | 腳印 | |
脚下 jiǎo xià | under the foot | 腳下 | |
双脚 shuāng jiǎo | two legs | 雙腳 | |
大脚 dà jiǎo | long kick (soccer) | 大腳 | |
蹩脚 bié jiǎo | inferior | 蹩腳 | |
脚尖 jiǎo jiān | the extremity of the foot | 腳尖 | |
指手画脚 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo | to gesticulate while talking (idiom) | 指手畫腳 | |
脚底 jiǎo dǐ | soles of the feet | 腳底 | |
赶脚 gǎn jiǎo | to work as a carter or porter | 趕腳 | |
脚踏实地 jiǎo tà shí dì | steady and serious character | 腳踏實地 | |
脚跟 jiǎo gēn | heel | 腳跟 | |
山脚 shān jiǎo | foot of a mountain | 山腳 | |
拳脚 quán jiǎo | Chinese boxing | 拳腳 | |
落脚 luò jiǎo | to stop over | 落腳 | |
小脚 xiǎo jiǎo | bound feet (traditional) | 小腳 | |
手忙脚乱 shǒu máng jiǎo luàn | to act with confusion | 手忙腳亂 | |
脚踏车 jiǎo tà chē | bicycle | 腳踏車 | |
脚趾头 jiǎo zhǐ tou | toe | 腳趾頭 | |
绊脚石 bàn jiǎo shí | obstacle | 絆腳石 | |
脚本 jiǎo běn | script | 腳本 |