朵 duǒ
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朵 duǒ Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 8 English Translations of the word 朵 duǒ .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- duǒ | duo3
- English translation
- flower
- earlobe
- fig. item on both sides
- classifier for flowers, clouds etc
- variant of 朵 duǒ [duǒ]
- cluster of flowers; earlobe; an item on both sides
Learn the Chinese word 朵 duǒ in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 朵 duǒ .
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Spread the word
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Example sentences using 朵 duǒ
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 朵 duǒ in different contexts.
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有 yǒu 的 de 还 Huán 是 shì 花骨朵 huā gǔ duo 儿 ér , 看 kān 起来 qǐlai 饱胀得 dé 马上 mǎshàng 要 yāo 破裂 pò liè 似的 shìde .
Some or bud, satiety may look like an immediate rupture.
他 tā 耳朵 ěrduo 里 lǐ 还 Huán 听 yǐn 得 dé 萨萨萨的 de 声 shēng 音 yīn 和 hé 屑 xiè 索 Suǒ 屑索的怪声.
His ears were still hissing with the rustle of the leaves.
Words with 朵 duǒ
Explore 11 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 朵 duǒ in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
耳朵 ěrduo | ear | 耳朵 ěrduo | |
朵 duǒ | flower | 朵 duǒ | |
花朵 huā duǒ | flower | 花朵 huā duǒ | |
云朵 yún duǒ | a cloud | 雲朵 | |
大快朵颐 dà kuài duǒ yí | to gorge oneself | 大快朵頤 | |
花骨朵 huā gǔ duo | (coll.) flower bud | 花骨朵 huā gǔ duo | |
咬耳朵 yǎo ěr duo | (coll.) to whisper in sb's ear | 咬耳朵 yǎo ěr duo | |
玛奇朵 mǎ qí duǒ | macchiato (loanword) | 瑪奇朵 | |
骨朵 gǔ duǒ | (flower) bud | 骨朵 gǔ duǒ | |
潘朵拉 Pān duǒ lā | Pandora | 潘朵拉 Pān duǒ lā | |
朵颐 duǒ yí | to munch | 朵頤 |
朵 duǒ Decomposition & Compounds
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