Learn the Chinese word 成绩 chéngjì in 7 easy steps:
Traditional form
成績Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 成绩 chéngjì .
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Example sentences using 成绩 chéngjì
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 成绩 chéngjì in different contexts.
汉 Hàn 德尔以 yǐ 先于萨姆·约翰逊 Yuē hàn xùn 0.06秒 miǎo 的 de 成绩 chéngjì 获得 huòdé 金牌 jīn pái .
Handle won the gold medal with 06 second in front of Sam Johnson.
这个 zhè ge 赛 sài 跑 páo 运动员 yùn dòng yuán 的 de 1英里 Yīng lǐ 跑 páo 计时 jì shí 成绩 chéngjì 为 wéi 4分 fēn 整 zhěng .
The runner was timed for the mile in four minutes flat.
她 tā 不必 bù bì 费劲 fèi jìn 就 jiù 能 Néng 以 yǐ 13秒 miǎo 的 de 成绩 chéngjì 跑 páo 完 wán 100米 Mǐ .
She can run 100 meters in 13 seconds without exerting herself.