Traditional form
體育Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 体育 tǐyù .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 体育 tǐyù
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 体育 tǐyù in different contexts.
热 rè 辣 là 的 de 大学 Dà xué 体育 tǐyù 生 shēng 以及 yǐjí 肌肉 jīròu 男孩 nán hái 一直 yīzhí 是 shì 我 wǒ 的 de 钟爱 zhōng aì .
Hot college jocks and muscle boys are always aturn on for me.
在 zài 体育场 tǐ yù chǎng 附近 fùjìn 租 zū 房子 fáng zi 不 bù 是 shì 很 hěn 贵 guì .
Rents are less expensive near the stadium.
这块地方 dìfāng 被 bèi 划 huá 出 chū 来 lái 供 gōng 体育 tǐyù 训练 xùnliàn 之用.
This area has been marked off for athletic practice.