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cài Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 10 English Translations of the word cài .

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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
cài | cai4
English translation
dish (type of food)
CL: pán
> pán [pán], dào [dào]
vegetables; order, dish; food

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About cài

Read some general information about the Chinese word cài .

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Number of strokes


Traditional form


Contains the radical


Part of speech

Noun / 名词 míng cí Míngcí

Learning hint


Etymology of cài

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word cài .

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Positional decomposition


Semantic compound


Phonetic compound



Phonosemantic compound. cǎo represents the meaning and cǎi represents the sound.

Write it!

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Chinese word cài .
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Example sentences using cài

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word cài in different contexts.

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饭菜 fàn cài 而外, Huán chī líng shí , 肚子 dùzi Yuè 显形 xiǎn xíng , jiù 觉得 juéde 越须 duō chī hǎo 东西 dōngxī ;不能 bù néng 亏着 zuǐ .

Aside from meals, Tigress had to eat between them.

zhè shì dào hǎo cài ,洋葱 yáng cōng chǎo gān .

This is a delicious dishliver and onions.

可以 kěyǐ 尝尝这道咖喱 gā lí cài ,看看 kàn kan gòu 不够 bù gòu .

You can taste the curry to see if it's hot enough.

还有 hái yǒu 食物 shíwù 不同 bù tóng ! 听说 tīng shuō 川菜 Chuān cài hěn .

B : And the food! I hear the cuisine is quite hot.

yǒu 咖喱 gā lí de cài pèi 米饭 mǐfàn zuì bàng .

Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.

Words with cài

Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character cài in their composition.

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cài vegetable cài
蔬菜 shūcài vegetables蔬菜 shūcài
菜单 càidān menu菜單
泡菜 pào cài pickled cabbage泡菜 pào cài
饭菜 fàn cài food飯菜
小菜 xiǎo cài appetizer小菜 xiǎo cài
菠菜 bō cài spinach菠菜 bō cài
白菜 bái cài pak choi白菜 bái cài
油菜 yóu cài oilseed rape (Brassica napus)油菜 yóu cài
点菜 diǎn cài to order dishes (in a restaurant)點菜
芹菜 qín cài celery (Apium graveolens)芹菜 qín cài
菜刀 cài dāo vegetable knife菜刀 cài dāo
青菜 qīng cài green vegetables青菜 qīng cài
卷心菜 juǎn xīn cài cabbage卷心菜 juǎn xīn cài
菜谱 cài pǔ recipe菜譜
生菜 shēng cài lettuce生菜 shēng cài
做菜 zuò cài to cook做菜 zuò cài
菜肴 cài yáo dish菜餚
甜菜 tián cài beet甜菜 tián cài
剩菜 shèng cài leftovers (food)剩菜 shèng cài
主菜 zhǔ cài main course主菜 zhǔ cài
酸菜 suān cài pickled vegetables, especially Chinese cabbage酸菜 suān cài
菜市场 cài shì chǎng food market菜市場
香菜 xiāng cài coriander香菜 xiāng cài
韭菜 jiǔ cài garlic chives (Allium tuberosum), aka Chinese chives韭菜 jiǔ cài

cài Decomposition & Compounds

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cài Decomposition

See the 3 Chinese characters that make up cài and their own compounds.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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