Learn the Chinese word 电影 diànyǐng in 7 easy steps:
Traditional form
電影Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 电影 diànyǐng .
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Example sentences using 电影 diànyǐng
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 电影 diànyǐng in different contexts.
我 wǒ 给 gěi 他 tā 一 yī 张 Zhāng 电影票 diàn yǐng piào , 他 tā 却 què 把 bǎ 它 tā 撕 sī 成 Chéng 了 le 两 liǎng 半 bàn .
I gave him a ticket for the film, and it was torn in two.
我 wǒ 不 bù 喜欢 xǐhuan 看 kān 电影 diànyǐng , 但 dàn 我仍会 huì 陪 péi 你 nǐ 去 qù .
I don't like movies, but I will go with you notwithstanding.
孩子 háizi 们 men 把 bǎ 我 wǒ 哄 hōng 得 dé 同意 tóngyì 让 ràng 他们 tā men 去 qù 看 kān 电影 diànyǐng 了 le .
The children wheedled me into letting them go to the film.