Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 爱 ài .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice.
To complete this step you need to write the word once.
Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 爱 ài
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 爱 ài in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
都 dōu 帮忙 bāngmáng .他们 tā men 爱 ài 这个 zhè ge . 多 duō 咱 zán 他们 tā men 像 xiàng 了 le 一摊泥 ní ,他们 tā men 才 cái 觉得 juéde 上 shǎng 了 le 算 suàn ,他们 tā men 满意 mǎnyì , 还 Huán 替 tì 我 wǒ 作 zuò 义务 yìwù 的 de 宣传 xuānchuán .
They were pleased and satisfied; they advertised me to their friends.
我 wǒ 对 duì 这些 zhè xiē 梦 mèng 所 suǒ 显示 xiǎnshì 出来 chū lái 的 de 肤浅 fū qiǎn 的 de 爱好 àihào 大为 dà wéi 失望 shīwàng .
I was badly disappointed by the shallow interests such dreams betrayed.
狗 gǒu 摇 Yáo 尾巴 wěiba 以 yǐ 报答 bàodá 人们 rén men 的 de 爱护 àihù .
A dog reacts to kindness by wagging its tail.
Words with 爱 ài
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 爱 ài in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
爱 ài | to love | 愛 ài | |
亲爱 qīnài | dear | 親愛 | |
可爱 kěài | adorable | 可愛 | |
爱情 àiqíng | romance | 愛情 | |
恋爱 liànài | (romantic) love | 戀愛 | |
爱上 aì shàng | to fall in love with | 愛上 | |
爱心 àixīn | compassion | 愛心 | |
热爱 rèài | to adore | 熱愛 | |
喜爱 xǐ aì | to like | 喜愛 | |
爱人 aì ren | spouse (PRC) | 愛人 | |
爱好 àihào | to like | 愛好 | |
做爱 zuò aì | to make love | 做愛 | |
相爱 xiāng aì | to love each other | 相愛 | |
爱尔兰 Aì ěr lán | Ireland | 愛爾蘭 | |
爱国 aì guó | patriotic | 愛國 | |
性爱 xìng aì | sex | 性愛 | |
爱好者 aì hào zhě | amateur | 愛好者 | |
关爱 guān aì | to show concern and care for | 關愛 | |
心爱 xīn aì | beloved | 心愛 | |
爱护 àihù | to cherish | 愛護 | |
爱国主义 aì guó zhǔ yì | patriotism | 愛國主義 | |
爱德华 Aì dé huá | Edward | 愛德華 | |
爱因斯坦 Aì yīn sī tǎn | Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born theoretical physicist | 愛因斯坦 | |
爱河 aì hé | the river of love | 愛河 |
爱 ài Decomposition & Compounds
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