开 kāi
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开 kāi Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 12 English Translations of the word 开 kāi .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- kāi | kai1
- English translation
- to open
- to start
- to turn on
- to boil
- to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)
- to operate (vehicle)
- abbr. for 開爾文
- >开尔文 Kāi ěr wén degrees Kelvin
- to open; to start, to initiate, to begin
Learn the Chinese word 开 kāi in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
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Chinese word 开 kāi .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 开 kāi
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 开 kāi in different contexts.
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他 tā 开动 kāi dòng 脑筋 nǎo jīn ,想 xiǎng 弄 lòng 懂 dǒng 这个 zhè ge 问题 wèntí .
His mind reached after an understanding of the problem.
这 zhè 本 běn 书 Shū 里 lǐ 所有 suǒyǒu 的 de 插图 chā tú 都 dōu 加 Jiā 贴 tiē 得 dé 不 bù 仔细 zǐxì ,现在 xiànzài 都 dōu 开始 kāishǐ 脱 tuō 页 yè 了 le .
All the pictures in the book were tipped in carelessly and are beginning to come loose.
天气 tiānqì 很 hěn 棒 bàng ,我 wǒ 想 xiǎng 开车 kāi chē 出去 chū qù 兜兜 dōu dou 风 fēng .
The weather is so nice that I to go for a drive.
Words with 开 kāi
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 开 kāi in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
开始 kāishǐ | to begin | 開始 | |
开 kāi | to open | 開 kāi | |
离开 líkāi | to depart | 離開 | |
开心 kāixīn | to feel happy | 開心 | |
开发 kāifā | to develop | 開發 | |
打开 dǎ kāi | to open | 打開 | |
开展 kāizhǎn | to launch | 開展 | |
公开 gōngkāi | public | 公開 | |
召开 zhàokāi | to convoke | 召開 | |
开枪 kāi qiāng | to open fire | 開槍 | |
开放 kāifàng | to bloom | 開放 | |
展开 zhǎnkāi | to unfold | 展開 | |
放开 fàng kāi | to let go | 放開 | |
开车 kāi chē | to drive a car | 開車 | |
开玩笑 kāiwánxiào | to play a joke | 開玩笑 | |
分开 fēn kāi | to separate | 分開 | |
开口 kāi kǒu | to open one's mouth | 開口 | |
开门 kāi mén | to open for business | 開門 | |
走开 zǒu kāi | to leave | 走開 | |
开通 kāi tōng | to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transportation routes etc) | 開通 | |
开会 kāi huì | to hold a meeting | 開會 | |
开除 kāichú | to fire (an employee) | 開除 | |
拉开 lā kāi | to pull open | 拉開 | |
开工 kāi gōng | to start a construction job | 開工 | |
改革开放 gǎi gé kāi fàng | to reform and open to the outside world | 改革開放 |
开 kāi Decomposition & Compounds
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开 kāi Compounds
See all 68 Chinese words that contain the character 开 kāi in their composition.
- 开 kāi
- 并 bìng
- 屏 bīng
- 摒 bǐng , 幈 píng , 偋, 塀, 竮, 箳
- 洴 píng
- 蓱 píng
- 饼 bǐng , 瓶 píng , 拼 pīn , 迸 bèng , 姘 pīn , 胼 pián , 帡 píng , 栟 bīng , 絣 bǐng , 軿 píng , 鉼 bǐng , 骈 pián , 併 bìng , 剏, 剙, 垪, 庰, 恲, 皏, 硑 pēng , 缾, 聠, 艵, 荓, 蛢, 誁, 賆, 跰, 郱, 頩, 餅 bǐng , 駢 pián , 骿, 鮩, 鵧
- 研 yán
- 揅 yán
- 刑 Xíng
- 開 kāi
- 锎 kāi
- 形 xíng , 妍 yán , 荆 jīng , 邢 xíng , 岍 qiān , 汧 qiān , 笄 jī , 蚈 qiān , 豜 jiān , 趼 jiǎn , 钘 xíng , 咞, 枅, 茾, 訮, 鈃, 雃, 鳽 yán