去 qù
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去 qù Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 13 English Translations of the word 去 qù .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- qù | qu4
- English translation
- to go
- to go to (a place)
- to cause to go or send (sb)
- to remove
- to get rid of
- (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth
- to be apart from in space or time
- (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)
- (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
- (of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed
- to go away, to leave, to depart
Learn the Chinese word 去 qù in 8 easy steps:
Positional decomposition
Origin unclear. The 口 kǒu component is variously explained as (1) an opening to a building or cave that the person is departing from, or (2) an anus, i.e. the orifice through which things leave a person.Write it!
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Chinese word 去 qù .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 去 qù
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 去 qù in different contexts.
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" 愿 yuàn 不 bù 愿意 yuànyì 让 ràng 我 wǒ 拿 ná 到 dào 亚特兰大 Yà tè lán dà ,去刻上 shǎng 几个 jǐ ge 字 zì 呀 ya ?
" Would you like for me to take it to Atlanta and have it engraved? "
天气 tiānqì 很 hěn 棒 bàng ,我 wǒ 想 xiǎng 开车 kāi chē 出去 chū qù 兜兜 dōu dou 风 fēng .
The weather is so nice that I to go for a drive.
我 wǒ 极 jí 想 xiǎng 翘 qiáo 课 kè 去 qù 睡觉 shuìjiào .
I was sorely tempted to miss class and sleep in instead.
Words with 去 qù
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 去 qù in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
去 qù | to go | 去 qù | |
过去 guòqu | former | 過去 | |
去年 qùnián | last year | 去年 qùnián | |
出去 chū qù | to go out | 出去 chū qù | |
下去 xià qù | to go down | 下去 xià qù | |
失去 shīqù | to lose | 失去 shīqù | |
回去 huí qu | to return | 回去 huí qu | |
进去 jìn qù | to go in | 進去 | |
看上去 kàn shang qu | it would appear | 看上去 kàn shang qu | |
上去 shàng qù | to go up | 上去 shàng qù | |
去世 qùshì | to die | 去世 qùshì | |
死去 sǐ qù | to die | 死去 sǐ qù | |
离去 lí qù | to leave | 離去 | |
除去 chú qù | to eliminate | 除去 chú qù | |
去掉 qù diào | to get rid of | 去掉 qù diào | |
去除 qù chú | to remove | 去除 qù chú | |
过不去 guò bu qù | to embarrass | 過不去 | |
去向 qù xiàng | whereabouts | 去向 qù xiàng | |
去处 qù chù | place | 去處 | |
减去 jiǎn qù | minus | 減去 | |
何去何从 hé qù hé cóng | what course to follow | 何去何從 | |
去留 qù liú | going or staying | 去留 qù liú | |
去路 qù lù | outlet | 去路 qù lù | |
豁出去 huō chu qu | to press one's luck | 豁出去 huō chu qu | |
一去不复返 yī qù bù fù fǎn | gone forever | 一去不復返 |
去 qù Decomposition & Compounds
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去 qù Compounds
See all 61 Chinese words that contain the character 去 qù in their composition.
- 去 qù
- 法 fǎ
- 琺
- 却 què
- 脚 jiǎo , 踋 jiǎo
- 丢 diū
- 铥 diū , 銩
- 罢 bà
- 盍 hé
- 蓋 gài
- 壒 aì , 礚 kē , 濭, 瓂, 鑉, 饚
- 嗑 kē , 磕 kē , 瞌 kē , 阖 hé , 搕 kè , 榼 kè , 溘 kè , 馌 yè , 圔, 廅, 灩, 熆, 篕, 豔 yàn , 醘, 鎑, 闔 hé , 饁, 鰪
- 劫 jié , 怯 qiè , 祛 qū , 砝 fá , 珐 fà , 佉 qū , 厾 dū , 呿 qū , 朅 qiè , 胠 qū , 袪 qū , 鍅 fǎ , 阹 qū , 麮 qù , 刦, 刧, 刼, 叝, 唟, 弆, 抾, 灋, 紶, 蜐 jié , 詓, 迲, 鉣, 魼, 鼁