他 tā
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他 tā Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 9 English Translations of the word 他 tā .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- tā | ta1
- English translation
- he or him
- (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)
- (used before sb's name for emphasis)
- (used as a meaningless mock object)
- other
- another
- other, another; he, she, it
Learn the Chinese word 他 tā in 8 easy steps:
ideographicPositional decomposition
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Example sentences using 他 tā
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 他 tā in different contexts.
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他 tā 回到 huí dào 家里 jiā lǐ 时 shí 情绪 qíngxù 非常 fēicháng 好 hǎo .
He felt in excellent spirits when he arrived home.
他 tā 则 zé 相当 xiāngdāng 克制 kèzhì 自己 zìjǐ ,不 bù 声张 shēng zhāng 地 de 与 yú 她 tā 分 fēn 了 le 手 shǒu .
He was so moderate as to leave her without noise.
Words with 他 tā
Explore 19 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 他 tā in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
他 tā | he or him | 他 tā | |
他们 tā men | they | 他們 | |
其他 qítā | other | 其他 qítā | |
他妈的 tā mā de | fucking | 他媽的 | |
他人 tā rén | another | 他人 tā rén | |
吉他 jí tā | guitar (loanword) | 吉他 jí tā | |
维他命 wéi tā mìng | vitamin (loanword) | 維他命 | |
他国 tā guó | another country | 他國 | |
犹他州 Yóu tā zhōu | Utah | 猶他州 | |
马耳他 Mǎ ěr tā | Malta | 馬耳他 | |
犹他 Yóu tā | Utah | 猶他 | |
利他 lì tā | altruism | 利他 lì tā | |
别无他法 bié wú tā fǎ | there is no alternative | 別無他法 | |
南达科他州 Nán Dá kē tā zhōu | South Dakota, US state | 南達科他州 | |
安非他明 ān fēi tā míng | amphetamine (loanword) | 安非他明 ān fēi tā míng | |
他乡遇故知 tā xiāng yù gù zhī | meeting an old friend in a foreign place (idiom) | 他鄉遇故知 | |
他乡 tā xiāng | foreign land | 他鄉 | |
北达科他州 Běi Dá kē tā zhōu | North Dakota, US state | 北達科他州 | |
异国他乡 yì guó tā xiāng | foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate | 異國他鄉 |
他 tā Decomposition & Compounds
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