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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
wǔ | wu3
English translation
five; surname

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Number of strokes


Traditional form

Contains the radical


Part of speech

Numeral / 数词 shù cí Shù cí

Learning hint

Five elements (the cross with the extra stroke) between heaven  and earth  

Etymology of

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word .

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Positional decomposition



Origin unclear. Originally an X between two lines.

Write it!

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Chinese word .
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Spread the word

Example sentences using

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word in different contexts.

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Sān Jiā èr 等于 děngyú .

Three plus two equals five.

我们 wǒmen 注意 zhùyì dào Fāng 上述 shàng shù 标题 biāotí xià de 八月 Bā yuè 五日来信 lái xìn .

We have noted your letter of August 5 under the above caption.

如果 rúguǒ zài 五秒之内 zhī nèi shuì xiē 什么 shénme , jiù huì 知道 zhīdào zhè jiàn 夹克 jiā kè 超过 chāoguò 1000.

If you don't say anything in five seconds, I'll know it was over

洋葱 yáng cōng chǎo 五分 Zhōng .

Saute & 1 & the onions for five minutes.

所有 suǒyǒu 定制 dìng zhì wéi 五秒 de 手雷 shǒu léi 导火索 dǎo huǒ suǒ dōu huì zài 三秒 nèi shāo wán .

All five - second grenade fusewill burn down in three seconds.

Words with

Explore 21 words and sayings that include the Chinese character in their composition.

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周五 Zhōu wǔ Friday週五
五月 Wǔ yuè May五月 Wǔ yuè
星期五 Xīng qī wǔ Friday星期五 Xīng qī wǔ
第五 dì wǔ fifth第五 dì wǔ
五角大楼 Wǔ jiǎo Dà lóu the Pentagon五角大樓
五星级 wǔ xīng jí five-star (hotel)五星級
五行 wǔ xíng five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood , fire Huǒ , earth , metal Jīn , water Shuǐ 五行 wǔ xíng
五年计划 wǔ nián jì huà Five-Year Plan五年計劃
五星 wǔ xīng the five visible planets, namely: Mercury 水星 Shuǐ xīng , Venus 金星 Jīn xīng , Mars 火星 Huǒ xīng , Jupiter 木星 Mù xīng , Saturn 土星 Tǔ xīng 五星 wǔ xīng
五金 wǔ jīn metal hardware (nuts and bolts)五金 wǔ jīn
五官 wǔ guān facial features五官 wǔ guān
五十 wǔ shí fifty五十 wǔ shí
十五 shí wǔ 15十五 shí wǔ
五彩 wǔ cǎi multicolored五彩 wǔ cǎi
五粮液 Wǔ liáng yè Wuliangye liquor五糧液
五花八门 wǔ huā bā mén myriad五花八門
五分之一 wǔ fēn zhī yī one fifth五分之一 wǔ fēn zhī yī
五颜六色 wǔ yán liù sè multi-colored五顏六色
五月份 wǔ yuè fèn May五月份 wǔ yuè fèn
五花肉 wǔ huā ròu streaky pork五花肉 wǔ huā ròu

Decomposition & Compounds

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See all 30 Chinese words that contain the character in their composition.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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